Thesis Replication Ratio Testing Service

In order to strengthen the quality of our unversitydissertations, maintain school’s academic reputation and eliminate the academic misconduct indissertations and other academic papers, our library has launched Thesis Replication Ratio Testing Service.

This service provides the users with a corresponding paper testing report and a guidance of the correct method for thesis citation.

This testing system is using the latest version of CNKI database.


1、Charged for Thesis Replication Ratio Testing Service, 180 yuan/paper.Charged only by student’s One-Card. Please make sure there is enough balance in the card.

2、Provide thesis in USB disk.

3、Service is only for students or staff in our school。

4、In order to ensure the accuracy of testing results, please provide the format of ".Doc" and "PDF" documents, with the version of Word 2003 or Word 2007.

Location: Library 1stFloor Room 101

Time: 8:00 am-11:40am、14:00pm-17:10pm (Weekdays)

Contact:Ms. Liu or
